Welcome to the Neufeldt Group

Welcome to the Neufeldt Group Homepage

The Neufeldt lab is a catalysis group in the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department at Montana State University. Our research interfaces organic and organometallic chemistry, and broadly targets the design, optimization, and understanding of catalytic systems for organic chemical transformations. We use a combination of experimental and computational techniques to approach research questions.

Recent Group News

July 2024 – Congratulations to Matt K. and Albert for publication of their work in JACS: “Oxidative Addition of (Hetero)aryl (Pseudo)halides at Palladium(0): Origin and Significance of Divergent Mechanisms

July 2024 – We welcome incoming 1st year student Bobby Lerch as a summer rotator!

April 2024 – Daniel wins a poster award at the Undergraduate Spring Research celebration for his work this semester on site-selective cross-coupling with Oliver. Congratulations!

April 2024 – Congratulations to Nate and Jacob for the publication of their work figuring out why bulky ligands can tend to promote over-functionalization in Pd-catalyzed cross-couplings of substrates bearing multiple halide substrates (answer: Pd(0) does NOT want to dissociate as a 12-electron species): “Mechanistic Origin of Ligand Effects on Exhaustive Functionalization During Pd-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Dihaloarenes

April 2024 – We are excited to welcome 1st year graduate student Matt Sandin to the group!